Build a Successful Business Not Another Job


Today’s guest has enough energy to light up a full city!


Sometimes an unexpected life event knocks you out of your seat and reminds you that once upon a time dream job, well, aint so dreamy anymore.




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You grow up wanting to fly planes

Get your dream job as one of the youngest pilots ever to be hired by a major airline…

And then, 9/11…

That dream job disappears.

So you pivot and ferociously go for a bigger dream…

Not knowing what to do you jump into real estate and get damn good at it.

From there the rest is history.

Listen to the podcast to hear the full story of how he sold his business for millions and the methods to doing so.

About today’s guest:

Steve Rozenberg is an accomplished international commercial airline pilot who, following the tragic events of 9/11, realized that his once "safe and secure" career was far from stable.


Instead, he turned to real estate investing, determined to take control of his own destiny and create generational wealth.


With this newfound passion, Steve established the fastest-growing property management company in Texas, which at one point oversees over 1,000 properties across three major metropolitan cities.


By maximizing cash flow and positioning his company for success, Steve was able to achieve a highly profitable exit.


In addition to his success in property management, Steve has also flipped, owned, and wholesaled hundreds of single-family homes and apartment complexes throughout the United States.


Leveraging his experience and success in real estate investing and property management, Steve has become one of the most renowned influencers in the real estate community.


He is a top contributor to BiggerPockets and other leading real estate platforms, as well as a regular guest and collaborator on numerous panels, webinars, masterminds, conferences, podcasts, and other media.


As a published author and popular speaker, Steve's expertise lies in helping individuals become successful by discovering their "why" and ensuring that their goals are sustainable.


Steve continues to extend his hands and heart to make a positive impact on the lives of people around the world.



In this episode you will take away 3 promising insights (plus many more)


-       What skill Steve became fanatical about in business…


-       The top lessons his mentors told him to make millions.


-       The power of changing the questions you ask yourself!




3 of Steve’s Best Quotes!


“I make my money from the neck up”


“You have to create a sale date in your business”


“What you should be saying is who…who do I get” 


Life, Business, and Politics with George Chanos


Be Honest about who you are…