Becoming an Indispensable Human Being or Business
“How can you become a non-negotiable utility or a staple in your workplace that they will refuse to ever sell off your services or go to anybody else?”
Yes, you can become such an essential entity that they prefer to cut off a body part rather than removing you.
Because that is what Stephen Pierce became to be after all his humble beginnings.
He’s helped me more than anybody else on the planet with my skills development and in becoming a man of all those great things I'm known for and so grateful for.
Since more than two decades, Stephen is giving more life to people with his new perspectives, inspirational messages and methods to impact you to think and act differently to produce the results you desire.
He made millions from doing online marketing and public speaking and has been seen on NBC News, FOX News, ABC, CBS, Daystar, The Tom Joyner Morning Show and Black Enterprise.
But, many years ago Stephen was kicked out of high school. He was bankrupt, shot on the streets and homeless. From there he bounced back to being a fighter of faith, thriving and leading from the front lines of his industry.
Now, as a public speaker Stephen Pierce shared the stage with Tony Robbins, Drew Brees, Chris Gardner, Michael Phelps, Steve Forbes, Rick Belluzzo, Lou Holtz, Terry Bradshaw, and many others.
He is no stranger to obstacles, challenges, and threats. Stephen keeps his loins girded with truth. No matter the odds and no matter the cost, he continues to skillfully help others sculpt a more meaningful and memorable life of success.
In this episode you will take away many promising insights as below:
What and how to become the one thing that remains a constant demand regardless of the economic environment, that thing cannot be ignored irrespective of the changes in the economy.
What would anyone actually do to earn that respect or that position from their customer so that they become a necessary utility to their business or to their life
How to deal with people to go past their personality and know their character
How would you instruct somebody to improve when their true character is exposed when they’re put under pressure
Few Quotes from the Episode
People tend to use the state of the economy for the reason to do something or not to do something, so there's going to always be something.
It doesn't matter what the state of the economy is, as a sales pro you should hold people's attention long enough to get the message across
What can you say or do or demonstrate within 8 seconds to get people hooked for another 8 seconds, then get them hooked for another 8 seconds
Not only are we in an attrition economy but we're in a scrolling society: people are scrolling away
As a sales person you have to shake up the satisfaction, contentment and comfort that people are in for not doing a deal
As a sales person, you need to be more concerned about the client sincerely; not just about your pockets, your own personal scoreboard, your own personal commissions
Question is: How do we not just become an option or a service provider but a necessary utility to their business or to their life regardless of what changes
Starting point to become that necessary utility is to start asking your customer questions
Follow Stephen Pierce @realstephenpierce