For the Love of Sports with Ken Thomson


Sportscaster. MLB. NHL. NBA. NFL.


Have you ever met one of those guys that just seems to know everything when it comes to sports?


Today's guest shares 61 years of sports story and genius on the journey with a ton of enthuiasm...





Starts off on the east coast.


Finds himself making his way out west...


Then, across the world in the middle of an ocean on a big boat.


By chance gets a job he can really shine in.


And that’s where our guest takes off into the sports world beyond imaginable.

Check the full interview to hear the best of what we were able to capture in one hour.


About the guest...


Ken Thomson, Host of Sports X Radio, is a veteran sportscaster of more than 25 years and has become a trusted authority due to his expertise in all major sports. He provides versatility with his extensive knowledge and memory and Ken covers it all.  KT as he’s known to his friends, has expanded to several different sports platforms with expertise in the Sports information & sports gaming industries. 


Ken’s first sports casting job was in the US Navy, aboard an Aircraft Carrier ( USS Ranger CV 61 ). With 5,500 sailors on board and no internet back in the eighties, “I was the only guy with the scores when out at sea, thousands of miles away from the states.”


Ken also worked in the NCAA college basketball world, calling games for UC Riverside and Long Beach State. He has hosted sports talk radio shows throughout the country and remains well connected to NCAA teams. Ken also knows many college coaches and broadcasters for over 50 universities nationwide.



In this episode you will take away 3 promising insights (plus many more)


-       How Ken thinks about Las Vegas…


-       What turn of events made him shift towards broadcasting.


-       Where he started learning deep knowledge of sports!




3 of Ken’s Best Quotes!


“You never know how God is going to save you”


“Trust me there are a lot of people here that will help you and get you back on the road to recovery”


“We’re all human”


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