Devon Still On Overcoming Challenges and Protecting Your Mental Health


Life After the NFL And "Still" Hero to Families, Dads, Mothers, and Kids... Worldwide!


He Left the NFL to Be By His Daughters Side...Fighting Cancer!


Real talk, nobody is immune to the struggle, and the obstacles that life throws at you, and I mean NOBODY.


Today’s guest has arguably the most inspiring and resilient stories of meeting life’s greatest challenges head on, including the tear jerking and heart wrenching 2014 documented supporting of his daughter at a young age when she was diagnosed with cancer while he was “still” (pun intended) playing in the NFL


It became a worldly known, father daughter team that was here to fight, and if you didn’t fight with them, you felt you weren’t doing your part. That’s how powerful the sentiment was.


Imagine you pour every ounce of your energy and enthusiasm into becoming the best and then right as you are about to celebrate reaching that peak, some unexpected physical or mental adversity gets tossed right into your lap.


The gentleman who has built his life, family, mission, and purpose on the back of Resilience and Positive Psychology is none other than, Devon Still.


Today life has evolved…


A father to not 1, but 3 young ladies with his youngest daughter born only a short time ago and married to the woman who has been by his side through thick and thin.


Devon continues laying the groundwork to ensure that every one he touches on his path discover the inner resolve.


The love

The support

The guidance


By just being Devon, Still.


Devon continues to launch himself into full-fledged fatherhood while building what one could call the most authentic brands around resilience, cancer advocacy, parenting, and relationships.


Sure, he was an All American at Penn State, an early NFL draft pick and immediately an NFL star, but nothing pales in comparison to the impact and care Devon prides himself in today as he leads, educates, speaks, and transforms lives of those whose shoes he’s walked in.


Only another person that has experienced severe suffering to some degree would know the kind of personal passion it takes to express the deepest desires to redesign life over and over and over again.


In our conversational experience, aka the podcast we did, he is going to take you to the land of positive psychology. An arena that helps you process and practice positivity…


Albeit, it's time to do more than just accept the circumstances of your life as they are and take a step back to see what kind of human you are capable of becoming…


There are many things you can do, in this episode we will help you build some momentum around key ideas Devon has learned by virtue of his story, and his study, under the father of positive psychology, Martin Seligman.


In this 48 minute wellbeing roundup, we will hear an alphabet framework for you to take your psychological safety to new heights.


But make no mistake about it, you are going to have to accept responsibility for where you are and redeem yourself with vulnerability.


You'll have to access a deep reservoir inside yourself to discover could be character flaws and thinking traps.


Take me seriously here, if you want a more emotionally productive life result, to fly high in positivity, while reaping the quality of life with those you love most way of living, then you’re gonna have to do deeper work.


You “still” with me?


If so, it proves you're committed about taking this interaction and the discussion that we have like you care about your mental health, whether it’s great, good or bad at the moment.


What a great place to take small steps from.


Listening starts it, but once it’s done in 48 minutes what will be the next moves you’re going to take to ensure, it’s not just a fleeting collection of words and sound?


Redesigning your life can be very hard when you don’t know where to begin or who to trust, there are a lot of resources available. That’s a good thing.  If you’ve read this far more, I’m beginning to trust you’re on the verge of something greater.


From what I’ve experienced in my own life, the reason why I’ve been held up and just don’t achieve the ideal results on command is because I battle carrying loads of weight from the past.


Packages of disbelief, insecurities, emotional of worthlessness to name a few, though to continue to be always on the grow we must lead with boldness, maneuver through the messes, and make progress despite the losses.


On a positive note... where there is trauma and tragedy... prepare for triumph next.


With listening to this episode and jumpstarting your rise, you will have building blocks to see your sense of self soar.


Thank you for allowing Devon and I the blessing to share this with you, today.


Let’s Rise!


In this episode you will take away 3 promising insights (plus many more):

  • The simple 123 method to reframe your beliefs.

  • What it takes to get your mind to work in your favor.

  • The core areas of wellbeing to keep tabs on daily.


3 of Devon’s Best Quotes!


"I've been through this type hurt, this type of trauma, I've been at rock bottom, but no matter what, still I rise still. I was able to overcome all that adversity and become the person that I always knew I could be"


“Once you're able to validate how somebody's feeling in that moment, then you can make suggestions on what they can do in order to overcome the challenges or adversities they're going through"

"One of the reasons why you don't want to seek help or ask for help is because you are already trying to foresee what the response is going to be from somebody"


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